Thursday, October 21, 2010

My 1st year anniversary gift

Hey there, sorry 4 not intro-ing my latest most fav possession, my watch~

Okay I can see you mentally scratching your head. To be honest I have 3 watches now...not a big deal to my friend EC who buys a new watch every month (she can open a watch shop by now...haha. She has a thing for watches...of course not branded ones la, if branded she'll be broke by now...haha). But to many people 3 watches are a little too extravagant.

But this one is my prized possession, one that I have gone to great lengths to get it. It took me weeks and weeks to get it perfect, and it costs just more than a lot of money, it costs numerous arguments between me and DL, as well as infinite time and effort.

Here are photos of my beloved watch:
Front of the watch

Back of the watch (transparent)

You can see that I have made various personalizations to it, because I really want to make it my very own. It's a Swatch, model number n name (LK292G Menthol Tone). All of the personalizations are engraving, with two types of engraving, one laser engraving (at the back of the watch in black) and one hand engraving (in front). The engraving costs extra, and takes extra long time to wait and wait, but at the end of the day its finally worth it.

Whole of watch
At first I just had the idea of getting personalized watches for our 1st year anniversary. We chose our watches (I changed my mind a few times, due to budget restrictions and the size of the watches), and DL got them for both of us. We had to wait for a week because DL wasn't free to go and get it. My Swatch costs RM235, while his costs a little less than double mine. He brought mine in its original packaging to school, and I just LOVE it! The news was quickly broadcast around the class, after more and more people noticed the literally sparkling new watch on my wrist. Everybody love it, even SR n TY said I'm so xin fu to have DL give me a Swatch as a present. I didn't corrected them that the watch money was out of my own pocket, because technically he had a share in it too, by going all the way to QB to buy it for me. Hahaha so I basked in spotlight attention for around a week, due to my scintillating watch.
Watch against black background

Ya I agree...its so beautiful. I didn't notice it at first, but later I was attracted because it looks SO unique. If I'm going to pay a shocking price for a watch (I've never bought anything more than RM100 myself), I'm going to get a watch that's UNIQUE, so that its worth every cent of my money. And it IS worth every cent of it.

There are tiny alternating blue and pink genuine Swarovski crystals as hour marks, except for 12, 3, 6 and 9, of which they are marked with silver numbers. The sun-brushed silver face has two elegantly designed hour and minute hands, while the second hand is fine and accurate.

Bracelet-type watch strap

On both sides of the face, crystals of various different colours, shapes and sizes are set into silver beds. There are leaf-shaped, round, and square, and pink, white and blue coloured crystals. Further down on either side, a round ring-shaped piece resides, with three blue crystals and three pink crystals encrusted in it. Then, the designs are repeated again. Until the ends, a silver clasp with the word "swatch" on it clips the ends together.
His name. My name isnt visible

The back of the face is transparent, thus you can see the tiny motors running inside it. The strap is 1/8 (12.5%) stainless steel. There was one other watch I wanted which was fully stainless steel, but it was almost double price, so I picked this one.

Laser engraving on the back

I personalized it by laser engrave our English names and the words "Forever Together" at the back. Then, my satisfaction apparently not done, a professional engraved our Chinese names and 1st anniversary date (14th AUG 2010) at the first two silver circles. Then, at the clasp, he engraved the words "Te Amo Para Siempre" on it. All the taking it to engrave part was done by my hs DL~^^

Beautiful and creative right? Haha...I'm not 100% pleased with the outcome actually. I told you, I'm a perfectionist, and the engravings were far from perfect. At first, the laser engraving people mistake the "N" and "E" in "Delien". I was really furious because I'm sure DL has told the person clearly and even wrote it down for the person. He even gave the person my sketched drawing of the pattern I wanted (much to my annoyance). Then the people said they have to polished it off and engrave it back again. They needed some more TIME (read: DAYS) to redo it. choice lor, ma give back them do.
The date

When I took it again a few days after, the result was SO bad. The old mark was still there, very blurry. >< Haiz...but I dowan waste more time lor...accp..><

Then still need to give to the handmade engraver...the chinese names are okay...DL's was perfect, but mine was a little not balanced....then the dates are not balanced too....
The best is the love quote~that's nice...very balanced.

I've had it for two months now...and its perfect! A little flaw is that it TICKS loudly...if in a quiet room. But that doesn't bothers me~ because I just imagine it to be his heartbeat...haha...^^

In the end...everything was not perfect but acceptable la...^^
Muackz to DL for doing everything for me!
You're the BEST ever^^

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I know you feel bad...

Cuz you think I don't love you more than anyone else...

But its not true.

I know my words and my actions don't match...that's why you don't trust what I say anymore..

And I know you have every right to say you don't believe me.

I also don't believe myself.

But how do I prove that I really love you?

Feel totally depressed nowadays. Have been crying every single day, since PMR. I think if I go and see a psychologist, I'd be diagnosed as having critical depression and anxiety.

I feel suicidal.

What more evidence do you need to show that I'm crazy?

I feel crazy.

I have been crying. My eyes are going to be permanently sore. I can barely open my eyes fully wide. Whole day half-open half-closed. And I look like a real-life human panda being hit in the eye.

And its not just my eyes hurting.

My heart hurts as well.

And even though I've been making late-night calls just to explain things to him, and he already is nice to me and he says he's forgiven me and he even laughs with me..

I still feel empty.

Ya I told him, I want him to be happy and love me and treat me like usual, and he did it. He did everything I said.

But when I'm alone from him, when I can't hear his voice, feel his presence, look at him, when I'm away from him totally, I stopped feeling wonderful.

I imagined everything to be worse, and he's still angry, he's still sad, he hates me, he doesn't love me anymore, and then I think a lot of other stupid stuff, and gets so worried I cry again.

Then I feel bad all over.

And I just want go sleep and never wake again.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Haha pmr is ald over. 

Sorry I haven't been posting for a long time....lazy + no chance + no time. 

Study a lot ler...hope can get my str8 As...just scared of BC...chose wrong topic to write my geram + regret. But too late le, when I want to change my topic, ald left half an didn't change.><

BI leh...quite perfect d...I took my own sweet time to write lo. :-) Haha....wrote dao kinda long...about 4 pages...hehe. I'm most satisfied with my BI!

BM is...okay, not really sure if can get dao A lar...but I tried my best. Not enough time to write a lot in the last bahagian....haiya don care about it la.

MM is fun...I correct all in my paper 1...SO HAPPY. ^^

SC is quite difficult in paper 2...some din even read before lolz...I write as much as I can la. ^^

SJ is the best in all....haha...I simply choose d answer also can correct...lolz. 

GE is ok la...not bad...^^ got confidence...

KH...hmm...wrong quite a lot...coz quite difficult...but it's ok coz we still have the marks for projects.

To tell you the truth...before the papers (SJ n GE) got time can study...but I din even study...lolz. Just at there talk nonsense then JJ was frantically flipping the pages and I was sleepy. LOL.

I'm ok in those subjects...just the BM n BC....let me die nia...:'(

Haiya over's time to RELAX! :D