Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exams over...pressured...vry unhappy...

(Lots of shortforms, please forgive)

My last post is in May 8...=.=

Now already June....=.=

Sry been away for so long...have been studying away the time...:(

No, results not out yet...hehe but the :( smiley (its nt a smiley, its a is for the exams...actually not really that difficult xcept MM lar...but...very careless this time, and overall...really bad...feel like wn cry le...:(

如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
拯救地球 好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
不要问我哭过 了没 因为超人不能流眼泪

Jay Chou's new song...actually hate his singing voice...he always make it bcom 假音, vry geli d. But I lyk his song d 节奏 n 旋律...super nice....especially d chorus...4 dis song la. I post it here is bcoz...sometimes I feel lyk sad...ok mayb im nt 超人 or even 拯救地球, but for him dis is just a symbol la...coz he is oso nt 超人, but everyone xpect him 2 be one, so he ka wrote dis song...

For me, haiz, everyone oso think im so gd...frens, tchrs, parents, family members, even DL...if I don't get 1st, i feel lyk letting down everyone n didn't do my responsibility...haiz...but im also a normal person, need space, need oxygen, need some happiness...why am I always surrounded by exam papers??? I hate exams...i love it actually, coz its my time to shine, but when face with all those stacks of pressure, I just hate it...i wish im never born with so gd d brains...then i'll have more space to breathe, more space to improve and make myself happier. If only i can choose my talents...

Ok i know i shouldn't cry before everything is final and i get my results...i know there's always that miracle thing...but miracles don't work on me most of the time...they just always go to somebody else and i'm left feeling like a fool...and life's unfair too...some people get everything, attention, beauty (at least), brains, and that stupid magnet that draws in all the best boys in the world (xcept my DL who is the best and still never gets drawn in...^^)

I know...comparing just makes me sad...and of coz i have DL, and my wonderful (sometimes) friends JJ n WY...and...and...(actually datz all i have...) but maybe...kesederhanaan la...hehe...n although dey 3 cn kek me until hell is happier...i still love them all^^ and i have a true darling n 2 true frens...enuf le ba...

Just worried what everyone will say if i drop from 1st....even JJ n WY also admit my tchr will say me d...zzz

Haiz...nvr mind...raving here wont save my results...i aim for next time SJ lyk wrong 4...but im satisfied le...coz i studied A LOT for it...others i count dao my BC is 9 wrong ( ubat save le), BM 4 (all equals careless...hate BM), BI 2 (purely =.= d), GE 7 (erm...some is ki siao wrong, some is din study dao), MM 1 (den i dare nt count anymore), KH 6 (so many thgs 2 study leh...), SC 1 wrong P1, abt 7 marks fly in P2, PM 5 marks gua...coz 4gt nilai...


Deep breath

Please, will all of you stop pressuring me? 

Just feel so DOWN...

K la datz all...will fill in the rest of the May month later la...^^

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