Friday, March 12, 2010


Yay!! I've just finished exams...faster come write blog...(datz a big fat lie, bt its white..hehex)

Sorry for shortforms in this post.
First paper is English. Objectives are much easier than the summary...the summary is horrible...don't know what it wants me 2 write...dunno wat 2 write at all...simply write...omg my 40 marks...>< The tchr setting it is my mom's
Recess is 1 many ppl...
After recess gt PADI!!!!Forgot count beside d...T.T my poor 3 marks..grow wings liao...
BC...scared...not very good. Very, very bad. Hz...y y y??? y i 4gt d 名句精华???
Then after school...DL sent me den he say wn go take bicycle...den manazai HJ's dad late, so I went in w8...den haha saw him "flying" out~hahaxx...

He is SO 潇洒....soooo shuai...he ride dao really faz...xpression so serious (concentrating on nt hitting d gate? hehe...sometimes im so used 2 him until I really 4gt hw really good-looking he can be...^^)

2nd day exam...2day so hurt coz dl jz walk past me...T.T din come find me...
Den gt 报告 say tmr sejarah n kh go 2 friday..yeah!! cn study more...
Later study wif Jue Jan, Tek Pei n d rest.
BM very 慌忙...almost cnt finish d paper. 
Moral is ok...not bad. cn get 100% coz im confident all correct...:D coz dis time nt vry difficult..jz hope tchr don 鸡蛋里挑骨头。。。

Really happy especially in d morning...he came find me...den we go elsewhr study SJ...haha
He was very 温柔 n perfect. 
If only everyday he's lyk dis near-perfect...
SJ...we all study dao sot d morning so silent...everyone study their own notes...other classes so noisy...hahax 3A still 3A.
SJ was ok...objectives jz a few qs nt sure. Structures are not bad...
2day xtra many ppl come coz dey take SPM results...shuai ge ar...din c dao xcept d one bside me all d time..hahax dat time i say gt c dao is jz jk 2 him....actually one oso standard higher le...;)
3 straight 13As in my sch....TS's sis, BK's bro n another one. KJ's sis gt 12As 1B. (BC)
After recess xtra boring d....very sien, no mood study, headache n no dl...
Later MM tchr gave results...>.< jz gt 91 nia...actually all correct d....95% of my class get 100% becoz of one get 100%...only EC n YH gt 99%...haiz i kek sim dao...T.T sob...

Haha...DL came super early 2 meet me....haha muackz...he's so nice.
We went elsewhere study...haha....bfor we go bck 2 class...I kissed him (coz wn him do his best)...haha...
Spent my whole morning studying like mad..wif JJ
=.=manazai guess wat...ppl study dao so gai...
V he 竟然 go sit at JJ d plc 2 talk 2 jx...>< 
so close....
I jz noticed dat he's d one always talking n jx d one always listening...hahaxx d worst zi lian i ever see.
And everytime I shift my chair he turn around. 
Den bfor exam someone fr some class (3J i think) nth 2 do go play electricity den my class no electricity so Mr Yeoh ask us go 1B...
wen pass DL's class i look at d paper...hahaxx no wrong rite? d paper was thr 4 me 2 look at. haha...
den i look at DL...:)
SC was ok...^^
KH...a few not sure.
After exam we all KI SIAO...hahax...
Me n WY n JJ hug 2gether (told u we siao liao)
FINISH EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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