Monday, November 16, 2009

Wanna cry...

I'm going 2 cry....
My sivik marks
oh no...
just bcos of a small mistake
my 20 marks...
so worried
my 没良心 tchr said
one mark oso NO

10 q...2 marks each...20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hz...but she still say no...
Richard n geram..
Me more...coz i cannot afford to lose any mark...
Even though my other 4 subjects marks i got 4 today quite good...
i still need my 20 marks...hz...what if i got all correct..then lose all bcos i din write BETUL n SALAH?????
SO MAD...wan cry + argue...

These are the marks i got 4 today...:
BC: 76
BM:87 (mayb 88)
GE: 82
SJ: 93

Hehe...worst is BC lo...76 nia, highest TP n ZY...92 n 91...KJ 76 like me...
BM i got highest GUA...hehe...ZY 84, KJ n TP both 80..
GE...I'm 2nd highest, but HengJ.Jan also same same with me...then TP 83...KJ 75..(or so he say)
SJ I think I got highest..not very sure...ZY n KJ both 90, then TP worse, 79..dunno wat happen.
PM erm...TP highest, 94, KJ 91, ZY 87...

lyk dat lo..tmr giv MM...scared...
k la...datz all i think...
Till then~

1 comment:

  1. dont worry about your results...i blive u will get the highest mark in your class d...i blive u you sweetie...


Do let me know what you think! :)