Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hz...without him...want die...DL pls come home fast...miss you~~

Yesterday I bully my bro...keep msn time say T.T...
he oso dunno want do what to comfort me...

Me at north...dl at south...i wonder if i emergency call there....he will come home to me or not?

Haha why i keep say "home"...hehe maybe because his heart is here wif me? Haha...

Today went to the 北区相声比赛 coz my mom went there support her two four students...I recognize two of primary friends...from SJKC Sacred Heart...

then got some of d boys go support them...dunno anyone of them also...dunno is really not recognize or all change le...

den suddenly sot 掉 really so miss dl...coz there is komtar...if only he is there...then we can go see things and be together...miss him...miss courage...go ask my mom if next friday can go gurney wif HJ, JJ, QY....then i can be with him....HJ take QY go, but if JJ can take QY, den HJ can take me...but JJ's mom say cnt...hz...but I ask first my mom if she phone HJ's dad and know d whole thing is true..den can 搞定 le....but my dad is a bit more tricky...first hav 2 c his 心情,den got to give every info on earth...den after lots of persuasion, still got 50% cnt go....if not for dl...i lazy go debate wif them liao...

But I'm doing this for dl...just because of him...just because I want to be with him..


  1. hehE..find tio ur blog liao~~ Beside dl is my frenz..^^(the pic.)

  2. don't worry le darling...i'm bck le...sry darling...i'm vry sry ...i'm waiting for u to online you


Do let me know what you think! :)