Thursday, March 31, 2016

Last Post - My New Blog Address

Hi there :)

I also have cute chibis there!!
In exactly one year from now I will be shutting down this blog.

I now blog at

If you are a regular reader, please visit me there from now on, and feel free to subscribe to me through email, or connect with me as a follower at the bottom (I don't have any yet halp ;w;)

I am really hoping to blog more and in more specific areas (like what I do, where I travel, what I think) instead of treating the place as a dump of emotions. Not that it's wrong but looking back at all my posts feels rather depressing. Also I feel more or less settled into life now in terms of relationship and all these falling in and out of love posts is just embarrassing hahaha.

It's so embarrassing that I don't even update my main facebook account about my life anymore lol. Especially not my relationship, I've been keeping it out successfully. I know word gets around but it doesn't come from me!

Thank you so much for all your kindness and support here for the past seven years. I appreciate and love every single one of you to the depth of my heart. I look forward to your continuous support in a my new haven.

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