Saturday, June 30, 2012

Finally-Euro 2012 Finals

Finally, the finals. This year’s Euro has had its share of ordinary and extraordinary happenings.
La Roja (Spain) edged into the finals with a whisper, while Italy bounced into the finals with a BANG. Nobody expected Italy to get in, they have a blockage in the shape of Germany along the way. 
But, they actually beat the young and confident Germans 2-0 and sealed their way to the finals. Everyone who watched the game was shocked (after all, before Germany lost, their chance of winning was even higher than Spain, according to a world stat. More on that later.)Balotelli (the guy with the weird hair, and even weirder temper) scored those goals, and is making his way to stardom with his feat.

Spain edged into the finals by winning the penalties 4-2 against Portugal, after they played 120mins without any goals. Spain should be better, whispered the crowd of fans. Obviously, starting Negredo at the front (who’s Negredo, anyway?) isn’t a success. I wonder why Del Bosque does that, does he think that the rest of the team is strong enough against Portugal to be able to allow him a big risky experiment?

I’m hoping he doesn’t do anything weird during the finals~ they must win that trophy seriously.
I’ve been following Spain from behind (no time to watch), and they’ve been widely critcised for their boring pass-the-ball-around style. They have the upper hand on ball possession, but they don’t score unless they have to, and they seem contented to pass around and not to score.

For example: Spain Vs Italy 1-1, Spain Vs Croatia 1-0, Spain Vs Ireland 4-0 (only because Ireland is terrible), Spain Vs France 2-0, Spain Vs Portugal 0-0.

Comparing to Germany who scores 3-4 times frequently and look very confident under Loew, it’s obvious who’s the favourites.
But then, do you even need to score many if you don’t concede any goals? The Spanish defenders and goalkeeper are so efficient that in the Euro they have only conceded one goal. Do you need to score extra when the opponent can’t even score?

Del Bosque’s 4-6-0 formation has sparked a lot of controversy. Spain has many amazing players and every one of them is capable of scoring. A few of them have scored two goals each and they’re not even forwards. They’re midfielders and defenders. Do you even need forwards when even defenders can attack?

People have moved from being Spanish fans to Italian fans after the “boring” game by Spain and the stunning display by Italy in the semi-finals. The neutrals are hoping Italy will teach Spain a lesson. People are deciding that even if Spain wins, it’ll either be 1-0 or penalties. And they’re praying that Italy will score so that they can watch a brilliant game instead of a dull one.

That said, I am a Spanish fan and will always be one. For me, I will always side a team I love until it is eliminated, and only then I’ll pick another team to support. Now that Spain has crept into the finals (even though not with a BANG), I’ll support them, even if the situation isn’t looking good. Those so-called Spanish fans should be ashamed of themselves for moving over to Italy’s side.

Even though Germany plays brilliant offensive games, and Spain plays slow, defensive ones, isn’t it better to be boring and be in the finals than exciting and get kicked out in the semis?

Praying hard that Spain will win, and praying even harder that Spain will deliver a brilliant game to silence their critics. I even have friends who doubt their capability, can you believe it? 4 out of 4 friends who talked to me on the topic have voiced out their opinions that Italy will win in the finals. I’m the only one who’s holding hard to my Spanish belief, and I’m not gonna give up.

Viva Espana!

Thursday, June 28, 2012



之前已经Post 了关于学长培训营的,现在补回去剩下的两个。6月初,我校戏剧学会参加了全槟戏剧比赛~一共有7间学校参加。旧校(旧爱?哈哈)中华中学并没有派参赛者,因为据说他们出国了。啊,羡慕。





圣心中学是第一场,演了童话剧,据说跟前几年差不多,并没有大突破,只维持水准。观众们也有反应,因为实在太好笑了。槟华竟然演上同性恋,惊呆的我们觉得有点恶,但是赞赏她们的勇气。恒毅演了韩版家庭“父子”剧,菩提演了政治主题(特别的呈现赢来共鸣和掌声)钟灵独中演了战争主题的剧本(剧情有够暴力,吓死人),钟灵国中演海上求生的主题(对话不是很清楚),CDK 演美人鱼(大家都不知道发生了什么事),然后日新独中呈现了鬼剧,但是搞笑的那种,他们出色的表演赢来了观众热烈的掌声,演完后我们都预测到他们肯定成为大赢家。他们成功了夺10项奖项,恒毅额外拿了两个最佳表现演员奖,而圣心拿到最佳表现演员奖(我可爱的同桌)和最佳造型、服装设计奖。












能够跟大家在一起,就算要站岗,也是蛮开心的。唯一错过了看到微淇被逼画浓妆~哈哈。遗憾咯。谁叫她迟到。。=( 哈哈。

Tuesday, June 26, 2012








最让我兴奋的莫过于会计/簿记,(俗称为Prinsip Perakaunan),比英文和历史还兴奋。这次的考试拿到94分,开心爆了,因为前一次考试只拿85以下,去年年终更以76分吓倒自己,还很后悔多拿这科。这次的A+,让我重建信心,重点是没比我的数理科烂,这样我未来的路上至少存有希望~



Sunday, June 10, 2012


当然,这样逼我们读,我们才会好好利用假期~哈哈,这是事实。 而且回校能够见到朋友们,也不会太痛苦啦。只是。。有点想休息咯。。唉。

No holiday for me..=( going back to school almost everyday for Bio, then Chemi, then AddMath..

Well, at least my teachers are hardworking enough to give extra classes, so that means we must be hardworking too, right? 

This year’s SPM is earlier..much earlier: early November. We’re running out of time~

Euro 2012-It’s here!

Havent been counting down due to my hectic schedule. I only knew when someone mentioned Greece Vs Poland in the first opening match today at the Prefects Camp.

As usual, I’m supporting Spain all the way (though I wonder if they’ll be as good as before, with Villa and Puyol being left at home due to injuries?)

Well, I’ve been really loyal to Spain so I’m not bothered. I hope they win again (which seems a little far-fetched because it'll their third consecutive win in a big international game but entirely possible).

Probably not watching any of the matches since its 12 hours difference (the earliest match is 11.30pm and the late one is 2.45am), for God’s sake. I have school.

Therefore, I’ll only watch the finals (as an afterthought, only if Spain’s in.)

Viva Espana!

Poster of the various national clubs

The Spanish team

Bases in Poland and Ukraine

Groups in Qualifying Round to get to Euro 

Group Stage after coming out from the Qualifying Round. Spain is in Group C with Italy, Ireland and Croatia.

Not so familiar with Group A, but I suppose Russia and Czech might get into quarter-finals.
Group B has the most difficult combinations of all since all four are good. Netherlands(Or Holland) got 2nd in the last World Cup, Germany has always been very strong, Portugal is also a very popular team and Denmark isn't really that bad either. My money would be on Germany, and either Portugal/Netherlands.
Not sure about Croatia, but my bet is on Spain and Italy in Group C.
And in Group D, obviously France and England.

Of course, anything can happen, but these are the favourites. Let's see if I'm right. XD


Saturday, June 2, 2012













Friday, June 1, 2012



从第一次练习到今天,真的有很大的进步,尤其是一些本来基本都不会的队员,今天表现真的出色多了,与昔日完全不一样。第一次的练习真的非常差,差到连commander都哭。有几位是中三的学长,也就是说,他们是从最基本学起,能够在短短一个月多内练得如此配合,真的佩服她们,再高的期望也就需要更长的时间训练了。Commander 也不赖,前几次的练习因为不习惯而一直念错指示,但是后来进步很多了,场上除了一个念错之外,剩下的都准,而且没有忘记指示,也没有念出court


