Friday, September 2, 2011

Book Review: Confessions of A Shopaholic

Review: 5*****!

Confessions of A Shopaholic is written by Sophie Kinsella, as all Shopaholic fans know. And yes! I’m excited to announce that I’m a new fan of her!!!

How could I have missed this series? Probably because I don’t really reach for mainstream fiction, you know? I look around fantasy, sci-fi and crime novels more. So it took me a little longer than usual to pick up the battered Shopaholic novel lying on the library rack.

Anyway I borrowed it because the library in my school is SERIOUSLY lacking good books. At least, I’ve read all of them. It’s so critical that I can walk in and then out without a book. Just imagine. Me, coming out from a library without a book. Anyone knowing me for more than a week will probably gasp in horror and think that the sun will come out from the west tomorrow.

So, to prove that the world isn’t coming to an end, I borrowed this book hesitantly.

And couldn’t put it down.

Yeah, you got me. I just can’t put it down. It’s so interesting reading about this woman called Rebecca (Becky) Bloomwood, who works as a finance journalist (B-O-R-I-N-G) and who spends more than she earns. She gets everything she sees, and 90% of them she doesn’t need. She is in serious debt with her bank and VISA. And then there’s this amazing entrepreneur called Luke Brandon (I love his name!!) who confuses Becky entirely, and a great housemate Suze who sticks up for Becky every time.

Okay I won’t go any further but this is a do-not-miss book!! For those who are still doubtful, go borrow a copy from a local library. It’s worth at least that much.

P.S: A little secret. I’m a shopaholic too. XDD Just ask DL.

Till then,
Michelle Yuen Ai

Book Review: Shopaholic Takes Manhattan

Review: 4****!

Anyone read the first book yet, Confessions of A Shopaholic?

This is the second in line, and it tells of Becky Bloomwood who flies to Manhattan with her boyfriend Luke Brandon because he’s opening a new branch of his company there.

The book starts off with Lucy and Tom’s wedding, where Becky was humiliated because Luke never turned up every time to meet her relatives. Therefore everyone thought she lied to everyone about him being her boyfriend.

Anyway, then Becky and Luke flew to Manhattan, and Becky is enthralled by all the shops and all the glamour there, where people rushes by and goes to sample sales. Becky loves the place, it’s her habitat. Soon she has visited all the shops and went to lots of sample sales, and met some new friends too.

Luke has some problems with his company and his mother Elinor who lives there. Becky can’t stand Elinor, but Luke is obsessed with trying to please his mother even though she dumped him the first chance she got.

Then one day a really huge disaster shattered Becky’s world. It rocked both her and Luke apart and made her flew back to London without him. Luke didn’t even contact her for weeks even when he came back to London.

Will their relationship survive?

There’s some parts in this book that really touched me. Spoiler scroll down. All I can say is, it’s a good read. Go get it. And now, spoiler. Scroll down.

I loved the part where Luke appears at Lucy’s wedding, and shocked everyone off. That particular scene isn’t shown, but after that he told Becky and I was so satisfied the stuck-up people got shocked at him. Apparently one of the bridesmaid even screamed "God, he exists!" LOL.

I absolutely adore the part where after auctioning off all her belongings in order to pay off the debts, Becky probably will never see her Denny and George scarf (the one that brought her and Luke together) ever again.

Guess what…at the airport where Becky was going to leave for Manhattan to work there, Luke turned up, and they talked but Becky was really firm on her decision (I admire her for that). Then when Luke was leaving in despair, he turned around, took out the scarf and wound it gently around her shoulders. And he said: “You don’t want to lose this.” And she asked: “But…the other person won the bid!” He said: “Both of them were me.”

And I almost cried.

God…it’s so sad. You can actually feel his sadness. I wonder how Becky could ever get on that plane.

Maybe I’m not as strong as I thought. >< That’s a depressing thought.

Anyway, love this book!

Till then,
Michelle Yuen Ai

Favourite Song Review!!

I have been wanting to do this for ages. And as usual, never got around to doing it.

Okay well since I’m here..

My current top favourite:杨丞琳--我們都傻

Lyrics are below.


就代表又對我的心 撒了 多少謊

但每次我都選擇 選擇相信



看你裝無辜的眼神 我很窒息

難道你沒有看見 看見我對你的好

還是你忘了 那些數不清的愛情軌跡

你說我傻 傻在愛上 只懂愛自己的人




你說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





看你裝無辜的眼神 我很窒息

難道你沒有看見 看見我對你的好

還是你忘了 那些數不清的愛情軌跡

你說我傻 傻在愛上 只懂愛自己的人




你說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





只是問心無愧 諷刺也無所謂

我說我傻 傻在愛上 沒有感情的分身





Review: ***** 5 stars!! I love this song. Maybe because I’m going through this right now…in my relationship…so I totally understand this song. For all you guys who doesn’t understand a single Chinese word…it’s about a guy and a girl, and their relationship changed...

He lied to her a lot…and she cries about it a lot…(first few lines)

Then she still thinks she can change him…and he still lies to her when she knows he’s lying…(I know, he’s a jerk)

She asks him if he realizes everything that she has done for him…or has he forgotten about their past and the memories they had together?

Then she says:

""""You said I’m silly for loving someone who only loves himself,

I said you’re stupid for loving her, I can see it in your eyes, you can’t lie to me

We’re both fools for giving so much in a relationship with no future

And still hoping we still have a chance, that a miracle will come and change everything.

You said I’m silly for loving someone who is insensitive to feelings

I said you’re stupid for loving her until you’re so stubborn about her until you don’t care about anything

We’re both fools for willingly let the other person sacrifice ourselves than give up our naivety in this relationship

And still hoping we still have a chance…"""

It’s SO sad ok? Especially when I listened to this when I found out he cheated on me, friends advised me to leave him and I’m all alone and don’t know what to do.

The melody is beautiful, especially if you listen to only piano.

Hz…my feelings are all written in this song…what more to say?

Till then,
Michelle Yuen Ai

3rd exam is over for 2011~

Exams are over. And no, I don’t feel excited about my results.

I totally flunked this exam ok?

It’s common in the 1st and 3rd exams. Yeah, they’re just term TESTS, not EXAMS, but I usually did worse in tests. Yup you HEARD me.

>< Anyway I never got a 1st placing in my 3rd exam in history.

So, just go along for the ride. Didn’t expect anything than stupid mistakes.

I did. Made a lot of laughable mistakes. =.=

Read on and you’ll know what I mean.

Physics: The formula was CLEARLY WRITTEN. I wronged all the calculations as well. What the hell…

Chemistry: Can’t remember the formula for sodium nitrate, plus forgot how to do one of the calculations. And I hate Mendeleev. He owes me 3 marks. =.=

Biology: Nothing much, only I wrote 588J as 588kJ. And I “eenie meenie miney mo” on the question on DCPIP and Vitamin C.

Mathematics: Emm…I was pretty satisfied with this actually. Until I found out I had a mistake in “SETS”……again.

Additional Maths: This is pure terror. I couldn’t remember how to do Q.Equations and Q.Functions. I blanked a question because I wasn’t sure of the formula (turns out the one I guessed was correct), partly finished a log question (failed to find the unknown because I was desperately trying to think how to make 2x (square) + 6x = 6 work out. I know…quad equation. After the exam, that is. ><)

But I’m pretty satisfied with the rest of the chapters. They’re so much easier. This paper is much easier but the problem with me and Add Maths is we don’t really get along, so even when it’s easy, I still get things wrong.

Moral: Don’t even get me started on this one. I wrote “menyayangi dan mengHORMATI alam sekitar instead of menyayangi dan menghargai alam sekitar.” Okay, kill me right now. I’m dying from SHAME. @=.=@

Sejarah: Dear God. I totally MISINTERPRET a question. Answers turn out to be Nasrani, Arab and Yahudi. I wrote Muhajirin, Ansar and Yahudi. What.The.Hell.

Chinese: Uh…really…you know how I’m in love with that song ru guo wo bian cheng hui yi right? Inside got two words: pan shan. Came out in the pinyin question, and I didn’t know how to write the pinyin. Shame on me. I forgot a tiny bit of the translation of ancient Chinese, although it’s good considering I just skimmed across the text. The mingju was fine since only 10 of them. And the summary…well, I did my best on that. Quite difficult.

Bahasa Malaysia: Hmm. The answers are all very subjective. So, depends on whether teacher accepts or not. He MUST have an open mind. >.< Summary (rumusan) was okay. The points are easy to find. Anyway, what does “di bawah tilik hamba” means?

English: I love this, maybe because it’s my favourite subject now. It’s so easy to score A+ for this…I just have to indulge in my favourite hobbies. >.< There’s a summary and comprehension questions on text only. Easy! Hope I can get good marks for this.

That’s all. Laugh all you want. == I’m feeling kind of pek chek. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Anyway…FREEEEEDOM is mine!!! So I’m going to forget all this for a week of blissful oblivion. Hahahaha.

Till then,
Michelle Yuen Ai

Queensbay with friends and mom…(RUINED)

Haih. Today was supposed to be perfect. Or, at least, you know, at least be happy. But I’m not…at all. =.=

Let me tell you the story of today and you’ll see what I mean, exactly.

Day started with me waking up at 6am for no reason except to try on the different outfits I have in mind. Due to the extremely few clothes I have (only a cupboardful…) it’s hard to get some readytowear clothes, so I have to mix and match around to get the perfect outfit for today…

Finally decided on a black tube blouse with a semi- transparent white blouse with pink butterflies (it’s actually part of other clothes) with a black skirt. And my new two- tone pink flat button knot pin.

Had some porridge, and then we were about to go. It was 12.40pm and I’m starting to panic.

Suddenly dad asked mom to do some chores that were left undone. Zzzz…so we only left at 1p.m.

Imagine that. I told JJ very clearly that I wanted her to be on time, and I’m the one who only appear at 1.40pm.

When we reach the parking place, Mom had to adjust her car n times before we can even set off toward QB. Zzzz…

Then we had to find JJ…and she was disgruntled because she asked her parents and aunt to go at 12.30pm. =.=


The JJ-mad part I can handle…but the problem is my mom wanted to follow us everywhere…==

We went to the cinema which was nearby…laughed at a trailer with girls in bikinis (we promised each other we’d watch that movie if my mom isn’t there… )

Anyway, we decided to watch spy kids. Had a row with mom about DL (poor him was waiting at Borders…) and then JJ and me bought seats two-by-two at the back but side of the cinema.

Later we went to Borders to collect DL…he was really, really cute. My mom saw him and talked to him a bit. Then we had time off together, three of us, to Paddington Pancakes. XDD. DL didn’t eat pancakes or strawberries but he finished the bananas on my plate. XD. I had a delicious plate of dollar pancakes with vanilla ice-cream, bananas and strawberries and marshmallows with CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!!

XDD I’m a chocoholic. I even had a hot chocolate with marshmallows. Yum.

JJ had this amazing oreo pancake stack with chocolate ice-cream plus chocolate sauce and maple syrup. She said it was better than she expected.

I had an anaconda next to me (just kidding) who hugged me like I’m a prey and squeeze me half to death.

Lol. It was the only chance he hugged me today…:( I was really happy because he hasn’t been holding me for ages and he brings warmth and confidence in our love to me all over again. :)

Then we went to the cinema before realizing my mom was waiting at Borders because she didn’t know the way to the cinema. O.O

When we found her she was really angry and scolded me in front of my best friend and my boyfriend. Think how embarrassing it is.

In English as well. ==

So I became really angry and walked really fast ahead. When we reached the cinema my mom dropped a bombshell and told me and JJ to sit together. WTF.

We ended up with Mom and DL in front and me and JJ behind. Movie was nice but I missed DL entirely. I played with his hair and he reached back to hold my hand so it made up for the distance…:) at least he did laugh at the movie. It was really nice to hear him laugh…

After the movie we went out and JJ phoned her parents. We took several photos…where almost all of them DL look really scary (he didn’t smile) and the only one he did smile a bit I look bad. Wth…

Mom did talk to DL a bit, about his study and ambition. He told her he’s going for aircraft engineering?

He told me it’s just like mechanics…LOL. Mechanics don’t have to account for hundreds of deaths if something went wrong, you know.

I took DL to see Angry Bird plushies…wanna buy one for him but…Mom’s there so I can’t. >.<

I promised him one Angry Bird plushie. XD. (I’ll get it for you darling.)

All in all it’s a ruined day, but at least, AT LEAST I get DL with me, and JJ too. Haih.

Never get my hopes up…><

Till then,

Michelle Yuen Ai