Saturday, September 18, 2010

Two more new hamsters arrival!

I got two new hamsters! Bambi and Sasha, two little Robo girls.

Since I separated Hazel and Mysty, Mysty was kinda ke lian. She would run in her wheel all day and sleep when she's tired. No interaction. Hazel was fine with that because there is always me to play with her. But Mysty is still scared of me so she's lonely.

So I got two new hamsters from play with Mysty. The first time was most hilarious. Mysty was absolutely terrified of the twins. She tried to escape them (they cornered her to sniff her out) but failed. She would try to run in the wheel and leapt off in fear when one of the newcomers tried to climb up the wheel. She even tried to stuff food in her cheeks (the way when she's too scared) only to have the twins climbing in into the bowl. Food was sent flying in all directions as Mysty hurriedly jumped out.

But in just a few days Mysty was completely at ease with her new friends. She would curl up with one of them and sleep through the day, and fight over the wheel with them at night.

Bambi and Sasha are agouti Robos. They have the original brown colour fur, with dark eyes and white eyebrows. Mysty, on the other hand, is a white-faced. She is white with mixed colour fur, another type of colour of Roborovski hamsters.

Everything seems to be going on fine...

Until the day Bambi went missing.

I searched high and low for her, to no avail. I was so afraid that she had fallen down the toilet or ran out under the main door. I left sunflower seeds and corn kernels on the ground before I left~
And when I got back, guess what? 
The seeds were cracked open and eaten!!!

But Bam was still missing. =.= 

A few minutes later my dad called that Bam was in his study room. =.=

So I took the rolling ball and run...Bam had scuttled under the desk. =.= Which was impossible to get her out because the space was so tiny. =.=///

So we got a long stick and try to push her out of her hidey hole. I made a sort of fort around...with low boxes and prevent her getting out and running to god-knows-where. But when she ran out, panicked, she just jumped over the things and continue running.

Fine...we rushed and my mom threw a cloth over stun her. She suddenly went still as she couldn't see a thing, then i opened up an edge, she rushed out and into the ball. 

Mission completed. 

Haha...stupid Bambi. Over a few more weeks Bambi ran out again twice...once she just made the wheel fall and climb up on the edge and jump out of the box...clever eh? naughty Bambi.

But the one thing great about her is that she can run the wheel like mad and turn over somersaults. Her body just flipped over the wheel. Crazy i know...but she is one crazy hamster. Once she turned 20 somersaults (not in a row, but the same time she was on the wheel and she didn't get down, just keep on running and turn) and I was shocked. I think she seemed shocked herself, but she loved it. And when she failed the momentum she just tried again. 

Sasha was more quiet and sleepy. She sleeps all day, but also known for running back and forth the whole length of her chosen side of the box. She just ran to one side, jump, and then turned and ran back, jump, and ran to the other side again. Another crazy hamster.

Thank God Mysty wasn't influenced by the newcomers' craziness. YET.

Haha...till next time then. Stay tuned for more!