Wednesday, May 19, 2010


我爱你。。。我真的爱你。。。是你让我体会到满满的幸福,让我能够有个实际的未来目标,让我认清自己,爱我自己多一点,只因 你爱我。

几天没了你的身影,少了你的陪伴,我才恍然了解到,你对我是多么的重要。每天的见面和100%不离不弃的保证是我渐渐以为你对我好是理所当 然,使到我们之间的感情变得很淡很淡~



或许我这样说,我这样爱你,你会觉得我不是你想象中的特别。或许如果我说,我喜欢你的机会是很渺茫的,是你莫大的荣幸,或许如果我当初没有 马上答应接受你,或许如果我没有把你加入我的未来,你会对我更积极,更投入。但我不能这样说,这样做,因为我心里说,你是我的奇迹。

我从没想过会遇见你,认识你,甚至爱上你,因为我一直认为,以我这样的女生,这样的个性,必须自寻幸福,因为幸福从不会自动过来的。因此, 我虽期望被人追,但也知道不实际,就算有,也从来不是我梦中的类型,所以我从来不等。

其实你也起初不是我的类型,只要你认识我喜欢过的男生,你会发现,长短处,你们都属于南北两极。但我爱上你显然的诚恳,虽然起初只是少许的 好感,但凭我直觉,我相信,你是不会辜负我的。

被你追的过程,也不算浪漫,因为你不大懂浪漫。但你天真的眼神,及甜甜的笑 容,以足够形成隐约的情意。 很开心遇见你,虽然和你在一起,苦的居多,但苦中带甜,我会撑下去的。

林钰栋,你是我最美丽 的奇迹!^^

Friday, May 14, 2010

9 months ler...^^happy anniversary^^

9 months already...happy 9 month...^^

Dis month although didn't think of want break (i never think dao 4 this month) but we keep on argue...

Sorry hurt dao u...n didn't try to understand u...but u keep on forgive me...that's why we got 2day d 9 months...thx..^^

Hormonal imbalance...sorry hehex. Im so sry...

May...already want exams le...jyjy la DL n me...hope can get 1st...^.^

Very sien with studying lo....but want a better future...cannot stop study right...haizx.

:) Happy anniversary 2 us! ^^

Saturday, May 8, 2010

如果我变成回忆~你会怎样? Mood drop~



越 美丽越让我忐忑

如果我 变成回忆退出了这场生命
想到我让深爱的你人海孤独旅 行

没 机会白着头发


连累依然爱我 的你痛苦承受失去

(Lots of shortforms, sorry!!!)
These days keep listening 2 dis song...dunno y...jz feel down...haiz....
Feel very sad and very unhappy and oversensitive...

He's nt online now...
Guess I'll pei myself...
Every day,
Feel so lonely..
I had 2 study 9 hrs since 11am
Jz 2 b online nw...
Jz 2 talk 2 him..
Jz 2 pei him..
N he nw off..
I din 怪 him..
Bt i feel so lonely..

Dunno y...
Even though everyday still say i love you
N everyday still smile n b caring
I have a strange feeling
Dat everyday seems lyk d last day...
Dat our relationship lyk deteriorating...
Into nth...

Sometimes i jz find fault with him...
sometimes i jz cnt control n let out all my feelings...
I dunno y i do dat...
I still love i still hurt him...
Is this unfair 2 him?
These days i cry very easily...
N feel very 无助...
Is this normal?
Does everything end jz lyk dis?

I always take 4 granted everythg dat he does 4 me...
He's 2 perfect dat i 4gt d reality of life...
I am so 幸福 is only bcoz he loves me..
If he doesn't
He wouldn't even give a damn abt me...
If he doesn't 
He wouldn't even care even if i love him 
I forget that.

Im nt vry happy these days...
Filled with loneliness and sadness
My parents especially my dad starts 2 leave me alone
When he wn c movie or wat
He never invite me anymore
Jz c by himself or pei my mom
I feel so alone...
Lyk i don't belong in my family anymore
I used 2 comfort myself of d fact dat i still have me
Vry lol bt it works
Den since i have DL...i start 2 think of him
N everytime anyone leaves me out of any activity
I'll just smile at his photo, touch his face n say 2 myself
I still have my bf
Who loves me unconditionally and will wn 2 do everythg with me
N i mean a lot 2 him
N nth is nice without me
N im nt just a responsibility.

Mayb im a responsibility 2 my parents
Although dey choose 2 hv me
Bt dey din choose my personality
So dey cn hate my personality
Dey cn dislike me 
Dey cn leave me out of every nice thg..
Bt dey are still responsible 4 me

Bt DL...he cn choose 2 love me or nt
Bcoz its nt his responsibility
He is loving me as myself n nt bcoz its a 负担
N im nt alone anymore in my world......
Bcoz i have someone who really loves me and no one cn say he HAS to love me...
He doesn't HAVE TO...he CHOOSES to...

I don't want him 2 leave me
Bt i keep pushing him away n away...
So far away...
I dunno y im doing dis...mayb coz im afraid we're 2 close
If we're 2 close...
I'll start 2 treat him as a fren...
Im grateful 4 have these confused feelings...vry difficult feelings...

Why is love so difficult? 
Why is everything going the wrong way?
Why can feelings change...even when d heart doesn't change?
Why does everythg goes against us...
Even ourselves?

I don't know what 2 do...
It hurts...
And yet...
If he dies...I'll nvr b able 2 get over him...
N I'll cry until...
Mayb datz hw im gonna b blind?

Love is so irrational..
Love is so uncontrollable..
Im sry 4 everythg DL...
Im jz a jz an inexperienced girl...
Im jz a normal girl 
Im jz...
I can't do anythg much...i can't do anythg big...
Im sry if i cnt give u d happiness u want..
I can only give so much...
Cn only love so much...
Not mor n not less...
N i cnt do much dat u wn...
Mayb im wrong 4 accepting u
4 making u hvaving 2 承受my moods...
4 having u 2 love me even when im nt wat u wn..
Pls forgive me

I love you